
Additional advice on working with restlessness of the body: in general, when meditating, and going to bed?


When meditating, if you have restlessness of the body, one of the things you can do is the D/D for restlessness of the body. If you're doing sitting meditation, and you have a lot of restlessness, you can first of all open to this restlessness and note it. Also, if it's coming from a feeling of wanting to do something, we can feel Compassion for ourselves. Then go out to another person who may be in a wheelchair and want to do something, but can't, or a person in prison. Think of these types of things where there may be a lot of restlessness coming from confinement. After you do this, you may find that the restlessness can settle down.

Another way, is if it's coming from a lot of thoughts, you can also do what I just explained in the last one. There're a lot of techniques depending on the cause. I can't go through all of them today.

With restlessness when going to bed, I have used that technique I told you about in the last question. I've also tried to do more focusing and calming, watching the breathing sometimes, and relaxing the body in that way. Other times, I have used a type of calming meditation on the Buddha, repeating one sentence in cycles. It becomes more like a Buddha reflection for me. The mind settles down, calms down.

If one has more of a tendency toward Compassion/Lovingkindness, then sometimes, if you can't sleep, it's helpful to focus on the Lovingkindness side more than the Compassion side, and make the phrase shorter, so you're not thinking so much, you're focusing more on the calm of the Compassion/Lovingkindness meditation, rather than the insight side. These are very helpful for restlessness when you're going to bed.

Sometimes, if I wake up in the middle of the night, I might go out and do some walking meditation. It's very nice to do walking meditation out there in the middle of the night, very quiet. To go out and do walking meditation, restlessness tends to settle down the more you get in the body. Then when you lie down it's easier to just rest, even if you don't sleep.

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