
What kind of Kamma does exist? Which one leads us out of Samsara?


Good Kamma. Beneficial Kamma. I'm not sure exactly what the question is asking, but any Kamma leading to purification. In particular, when we think of good Kamma, basically any type of goodness that you do, even if it is a little bit that some people do in their life, hopefully that will produce some effect so that in the future they will do more. Sometimes doing good things is a little addictive, and it is good when it is, because then it encourages you to do more and do more and do more. Interesting enough, the title of the talk that we give during the 20-day retreat on the last day, is "Do more". So doing good Kamma will help purify, will help give you conditions that will help you to be able to purify more. So in that sense, any good Kamma is worthwhile but in particular when we think of leading ourselves out of Samsara, we must purify the mind and heart. We must let go of our anger, our fear, of all negative qualities in the mind. When we think of the Ten Paramis being developed, any one of them, all of them, if you develop the Ten Paramis then that will lead you towards the full purification of the mind so that you will get enlightened one day.

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