
Is it possible to develop the mind while playing an instrument? I often indulge in emotions while playing it.


It is not the same as what we are teaching, indulging the emotions while playing an instrument. Developing the mind while playing, well maybe. There are some songs which will inspire us to grow. And of course most music, I think they figure 83 %, are just love songs. Some music can be very insightful, can be very deep, it can open up some people's hearts, especially for my generation with the Vietnam War. There were a lot of anti-Vietnam War songs, which helped people realize the war was a mistake. A lot of music with some very deep, and very meaningful words. To a certain extent for some people when they heard those songs, it helped them to develop their mind.

So there is an area of music whether you play it, whether you listen to it, which may help some people to stimulate good thoughts. But as most of you will agree, a lot of music is not so good. You want to make sure to know there is a difference.

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