
How can we work with our sexuality in the retreat?


By practicing celibacy (laughs). I'm not quite sure what this means... desire? Compassion absorbs passion, so by working a lot on compassion during the retreat, we can learn how to see people in a different way, so that that compassionate view helps to lessen the common view of seeing people as a way to fulfill our desire - that is one way.

When we are in retreat, it is a very good time to allow compassion to absorb our passion. Also reflecting on the benefits of renunciation can help so that we can channel the energy that normally goes in that direction towards developing ourselves; and this is out of compassion to ourselves. This is so that when we are in normal daily life again, we can view people in a deeper way, and then when and if we are in a relationship, it will be more of a giving rather than a neediness, and loving rather than a needing to be loved.

Now in normal daily life, how do we work with our sexuality? Well, if you are in a relationship, you can try to approach your partner in a generous way, not in a needy way so much, and realize that sexuality is just a part of a deeper relationship. The Buddha talked about Four Qualities needed for good relationships. The first is Generosity - this is fairly obvious, if one person is always giving and the other is always taking it is not going to be a very rewarding relationship for that couple.

Morality - in our dealings with our partner it is important to keep to morality, because if one person doesn't trust the other then there is no commitment; and if there is no trust or commitment then usually our sexuality suffers as well, because on that deeper level you have to have some trust in the other person.

Wisdom - if we can talk more deeply to with our partner then we become best friends, and then sexuality is just a part of something bigger. If we are fairly matched in Wisdom, then we can talk more deeply with our partner and this is much more satisfying. Then any type of sexuality is just an extension of that.

And the last one is Confidence or Faith. If we are going in a similar direction we will not have any conflict that arises with the other person going in another direction, or preventing us from uncovering or fulfilling our potential.

In the scriptures, the Buddha talks about not having sex with underage people, forced sex, or sex with other people's partners. So this is Right Understanding of Cause and Effect. If we don't keep to good morality we then create suffering for ourselves and others. I'm talking about normal relationships here, the relationships between consenting adults. And in order to have a good relationship, we have to have generosity, as I said, and compassion, so that we don't just view our partner as a means to satisfy our desires, but it instead becomes a deeper expression of our caring.

Our apologies if there are any errors in the above text. If anything seems to be wrong or confusing in any way, please feel free to contact the teachers for further clarification.