
Why did you give us the Compassion/Lovingkindness phrase in three different forms?


Three is a nice number, would you like some more? In a sense, use one you feel comfortable with. Take mine, take Rosemary's, take either one of ours, whatever, feel comfortable with your wish. Make sure it has two parts: the Compassion side and the Lovingkindness side, so it is balanced. You wish for no more pain, you wish for happiness, peace, whatever. Any way that you would like to write your own or copy ours, that is fine. Make sure that you feel comfortable with sincerely wishing other people well, whether you like them, whether you don't like them, make a sincere wish.

Our apologies if there are any errors in the above text. If anything seems to be wrong or confusing in any way, please feel free to contact the teachers for further clarification.