
As I recall, Steve has stated that if Moral Shame and Moral Dread are perfected, it could be the same as being enlightened. Could you please explain how the perfection or development of these two things lead to the necessary eradication of all desires, aversions and ignorance of reality that is necessary for enlightenment?


Moral Shame and Moral Dread have within them the foundation of Right Understanding, and it is Wisdom that is said to purify the mind. Moral Shame and Moral Dread are extremely important. Because Moral Shame understands that we are responsible for everything we have thought, said and done, and that we cannot blame anybody else for our Dukkha. It has within it the understanding of the first and the second Noble Truths. Moral Dread has the understanding that who we are going to become in the future depends on our intentions in the present, and that everything we will think, say and do will have a result and we will get the results of that. So it has an understanding of the Law of Kamma and an understanding of the Four Noble Truths. It has Compassion for ourselves, so it has Right Intention.

Why do we have Moral Dread? Because we have Compassion for this person we are going to become. So it starts with Right Understanding, and then from there we go to the second factor of the Noble Eighfold Path - Right Intention. Through Compassion to ourselves, we want to understand the Dukkha that arose for ourselves and others in the past so we can bring up the effort to prevent it arising in the future, and so we go to Right Effort, which is a very important factor of the Noble Eightfold Path.

And how can we do this unless we have Right Mindfulness? Right Mindfulness is supported by Right Understanding of the Four Noble Truths and Kamma, by Right Intention, and by Compassion for ourselves and others, not wishing to cause suffering for ourselves and others. Through this, we try to be careful about what we say - the next factor of the Noble Eightfold Path - what we do and what livelihood we have, so it does not bring suffering for ourselves and others.

So it looks like we are covering the Noble Eightfold Path. If we develop Moral Shame and Moral Dread, we will be walking the Noble Eightfold Path, and this is the path leading to enlightenment according to the teachings of the Buddha. As we develop Compassionate Understanding of Dukkha, the cause of it and the way out of it, we will begin to know what desires are skillful and unskillful, what aversions are skillful and unskillful, and we will be starting to let go of our ignorance of reality.

Our apologies if there are any errors in the above text. If anything seems to be wrong or confusing in any way, please feel free to contact the teachers for further clarification.