
Yesterday, we got the special mindfulness activity to give a Compassion/Lovingkindness wish to all beings we will injure or kill during our walking meditation. I now struggle a bit with getting the motivation going to do walking meditation since it is not an activity that is essential. I understand it is kinda essential for developing mindfulness and my inner growth. But, still, it is a dilemma.


Okay, if this person took this "kinda" dilemma a bit further, they're not going to move, they're not going to eat, they're not going to get a new shirt, they're not going to do anything at all. We're not going to live that way. The Buddha said, "No", we have a middle path here. We will walk, we will stand, we will sit, we will lie down, we will eat our food, we will go to the bathroom, we will do these things as a normal human being. The intention behind doing these things is where our practice is. If you're doing walking meditation just to be a meditator who does walking meditation, that is one type of intention. If you're doing walking meditation to develop your mind and open your heart, that's a whole different intention.

We cannot stop being part of the killing and harming of other living beings on this planet. We can't stop that unless we die, because every time we want to eat - go back through the chain of getting the food to us - some creature died for us to get that food. The same is true when we want a new shirt or a piece of paper. Have you ever watched a tree come down? Trees are vertical, especially great big trees. Let's take one that's 30 meters tall, vertical tree, big and fat.

Do you know how many creatures are living in that tree? Little bugs live in the bark; they live everywhere in the tree. That's why some birds peck in and try to get something. The squirrels chip away and try to eat some bugs. In one big tree, there are maybe, let's just say for a number, a thousand creatures in that one tree. The tree comes down in order to make a piece paper. Boom. What do you think? Does it comes down soft or does it comes down hard? It's pretty dramatic. It goes boom. Every creature on that side of the tree is immediately squished. Every creature on the other side of the tree is also caught in between the bark and the trunk and is normally squished. How many others get thrown out and die? Just so that we can have paper.

We need to open this up as to what our intention is for wanting paper. What is our intention for doing the walking meditation? What is our intention for eating? If we can purify our intention more, then we're not wasting our time on this planet and we don't have to stay in a dilemma of "Should I walk, should I not walk? Should I do this, should I not do this?" If your intention is to grow, is to develop, then you know you're being a benefit on this planet. If a creature dies, we wish them well. We hope that they're going to get a better rebirth than we have right now. That's what I wish for them. I hope that they have a better rebirth than I have. If they're going to die so I can practice meditation, so I can purify, so I can be of help to others, then hopefully their death is going to give them something that is of benefit and be a good karmic event. I don't know if it will, but I hope so, and that's what I wish them. So we don't have to stay in a dilemma if our intention is okay.

Our apologies if there are any errors in the above text. If anything seems to be wrong or confusing in any way, please feel free to contact the teachers for further clarification.