
I have heard the Thai expression "Tamachat" as an explanation. If you can, please explain this term and its effects on people's lives here, society, as a way of looking at life.


Tamachat: Nature. Or the nature of things. Or that's the way things are. "Bpen tamachat." The acceptance is really what we're looking at. When Thais use it, it's not so much the translation of the word, as it is how they use it. For example, we often talk with Mae Chee Ahmon before a retreat. She'll ask about the retreat, and we may tell her that we have some young ones this time. It's possible that some may leave early because young ones leave earlier than others and we could say, "Bpen tamachat." Occasionally, people will quit. That's just the way it is. So the Thais, in using the term, are more or less accepting reality the way it is. So that's how they're using it, how the term works in society here.

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