
Regarding walking with awareness, do you have further instructions how to bring what we learn in formal sessions to our everyday walking?


Mindfulness activities. The more mindfulness activities that you have throughout the day, the better. You have to work on those activities, don't you! So understanding that if we can relax in each footstep as we are going somewhere, we don't need so much rest, because we are resting in each footstep. We are not already "there" having to do "it" before we get there.

By having a bit of wisdom to understand, that this is our time, no one can take it away from you, it became very important to me in the early years when I had so little time. I had to let go of my idea that meditation was only sitting meditation and see that if walking somewhere or sitting in the bathroom was the only time I had to myself, then I could be with it - if I came back to the body and "rest" there.

So seeing meditation as something we give ourselves rather than a chore that has to be done, is very helpful in motivating us to wanting to be there in the footsteps. Sometimes if we have this attitude, "Oh, I have this burden of practice," we can change that attitude, realizing how fortunate we are to have the opportunity to rest in each footstep as we're going somewhere. No one can bother us in that footstep, that one footstep. If someone comes up to talk to us, okay, we can stop and give them a bit of time, that's our Compassion practice, but when they go away, we're then again with our footsteps.

If we see moments of our day as opportunities rather than burdens, it may encourage us to actually be there. It's really a relief not to always have those future thoughts and past thoughts going through your mind. It's really wonderful. So I recommend it strongly.

Reflecting on how fortunate you are can encourage you to be more mindful. So practice strengthening that ability to wake up in the morning and reflect how fortunate you are before you get out of bed. It gives you more energy to see the opportunities throughout the day. And when you've lost that capacity to see how fortunate you are, get yourself back here quickly. Really! I go into retreat every year.

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