
Regarding developing sympathetic joy: though I seem to be able to easily find examples of others' good qualities and actions for reflection, I still find it hard to come up with examples of my own, though I volunteer for a charity and give to the needy as I can.


I think we are back on a similar topic to an earlier question of being more honest with yourself, being more truthful.

Sympathetic Joy and how fortunate you are reflections, are very closely related when you are focusing just on yourself, or trying to have Sympathetic Joy for yourself. It's going to depend on being honest with what good Kamma have you actually made. This person has volunteered for charity, this person gives to the needy, those are good things. Can you have joy that you do this?

Years ago I tried to figure out, and I forget the exact numbers, but I tried to figure out what would it be like if every adult on the planet would give just two hours a week to a charity, or something that helps other people. Just two hours a week. Every adult has that amount of time. There's very few who don't, because very few don't watch TV, right? So getting two hours of your own time to give to others is not usually very hard for any adult on the planet.

How many actually do it? Do you know what it would be like if every adult gave only two hours? It was something like forty million full time charity workers for free. Can you envision the world if there was forty million full time charity workers working for free? It would be incredible. So the one person doing just two hours a week is actually an incredible thing for the planet because most people won't give two hours a week. Most people don't give much at all, they might write a check but giving personal help is very hard to do, giving time, that's very hard to do.

If everyone did just a little bit, how nice it would be. Now if you have given more than two hours a week that's even better. If you have donated money as well and given to the needy that's even better still. So add all these up and consider in relationship to the rest of the world. Are you actually doing things that are really good?

Now if you cannot bring forth enough good thoughts about your life and about what you have done, then you better do more goodness. If you don't have enough goodness to think about, do more. It's not that hard. Do more and reflect on that. The fact is, the more you do, the more joy you can have. And that gives you more and more energy to help you keep growing.

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