
How do Resolution and Truthfulness relate to each other?


We talked about Truthfulness the other day, especially about being truthful to our direction. Resolution is actually making the direction, isn't it? The term "New Year's resolution". We invent something new we are going to do during the new year, we make a direction. We make a kind of a place where we are going to, a goal. So Resolution can come first. Then the Truthfulness says, "Okay, I want to stick to that." When Resolution and Truthfulness are viewed in this way, they can't be separated as the more you resolve to a direction, the more truthful you are to your goal.

You make your goal, you are truthful to it, you continually resolve, I'll do it, I'll do it, I'll do it, you are being truthful. They are not separated so much in this way. But you can see that Resolution would come first and then Truthfulness will follow. Now sometimes our Resolutions are just a variation of a goal we already have. In that case we have been truthful to a goal and we just decide, "Oh, I can add another one to that." So to a certain degree the Truthfulness came first and then we added more Resolution. But that would be more of a minor Resolution, other than a brand new Resolution. So they can relate in those various ways.

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