
Instinctual reactions or actions, things like the sex drive, love between parents and child, does one receive the Kamma of these actions, reactions? Do you feel these actions, reactions can be changed?


The other day I think we mentioned a little bit about love, unselfish love, yes, the way that we express love to others, surely that can be changed. For a lot of people, as they mature, they change. The love that we had when we were teenagers, when we were young twenties, believe me it isn't always there for people 60 years old. So things, yes, the kind of instinctual drive we have, they can all change, they can all change with wisdom, it can all change with compassion.

This whole practice is actually to change you across the board, bit by bit. It is not as if everything is turned upside down overnight. It is just that you are going to change. Just look at your own life from today to when you started to meditate. We have people in the hall here who have meditated 15 or more years, we have people in the hall who have not made two years yet. So we have a vast range of people here, but even those of you with the smallest amount of practice, things have changed I am sure in your life in some area. Your speech maybe a little bit better, maybe you no longer use alcohol and drugs, maybe the way you treat others has changed, things will change over time. So we are not going to freeze any kind of conditioning that we have, even if it is what people will say is instinctual, is kind of born into you, no, no, we can change things. If we see some quality that is unbeneficial, we are going to want to change it. If we see some quality that is beneficial, can we make it stronger. That is all part of the practice.

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