
What do you personally think about psychology concerning treating with the aim of healing the soul and the mind?


I personally have never studied psychology - I have a niece who is a psychologist, she showed me one of her books about 10 years or so ago, I couldn't read any of the five-syllable words that were in it, just too difficult for me. I really don't know that much about psychology, I do know there are some problems about psychology when compared to Buddhism, as some psychologists have a limited point of view that there are only two aspects, indulging or suppressing. Buddhism teaches the Middle Path, we have a lot of psychologists who are students and we are happy that they are able to see that there is a Middle Path, there is a middle way of looking at things.

Some psychologists focus too much on the negative aspects of human beings but there is a branch of psychology that focuses more on the positive aspects and we encourage that. From what I know it is a minority part of psychology but we do encourage that. As to the aim of healing, all psychology I hope is to try to help people and that is very good. Whether all their techniques are perfectly in line with what I believe, I don't know, because I don't know all their techniques. There are some that I have heard which I am definitely against - I'll give you an example.

This happened during a meditation retreat, a teacher who we know was teaching with a psychologist and was very much influenced by what the psychologist had to say. In fact, the teacher was also a psychologist. They were teaching in an area that was isolated and there were some hills about half a kilometre away. The teacher said that if a person is really caught up in a hindrance attack to go over 300 m towards the hills and start yelling at the hills. I think probably a lot of you have heard about psychology where you beat up a pillow instead of your mother. These are not methods we agree with.

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