
If I understand rightly, consciousness is linked to sense experience. How then can you explain the stories of people who have experience of "near death"?


Near death experiences, as we say in English, are not death experiences. This is a very interesting way of looking at this. I have talked to people who claimed they had near death experiences - that they left their body and such and such happened and this and that, yet here they are talking to me and they are not actually dead, they did not actually die. So a near death experience does not necessarily have anything to do with what the death experience actually is. The ones who have the death experience can't actually tell you about it. Those with the near death experience can tell you about it, but it is not actually a death experience, so it is interesting to point that out - that they are just having an experience. Their heart might have stopped for a few moments, fine, that is just the physical body, the doctors might think they are totally dead but then they came back to life, so then again they did not really die. It was an experience. Consciousness was still there.

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