
Which kind of meditation would you recommend to get rid of grief?


First of all we don't talk like that, "get rid of it", because that is also a type of aversion. When our compassion sometimes has gone into grief, it is not acknowledging and not accepting that Dukkha/ exists. With grief, with loss, it is very helpful to use the D/D Compassion/Lovingkindness method, so that with any loss that we have, we can see the universality of it. Caring that is supported with wisdom helps to balance the tendency for compassion to care too much and go into grief, wanting to control everything that we don't have control over. Because We need to remember the Fourth Noble Truth, that everybody has to end their suffering themselves. If we are not in control of the cause of suffering in somebody else, we are also not responsible for the ending of it. We can only point the way, they need to do it themselves. With grief, with loss, understanding its universality helps us to accept it more. Steve talked about the Kisagotami story, so the D/D method helps greatly with grief and loss.

Our apologies if there are any errors in the above text. If anything seems to be wrong or confusing in any way, please feel free to contact the teachers for further clarification.