
Can you talk about feelings and not wanting to be attached too much to worldly things and persons? How can you promise someone to love someone and stay with him or her for the rest of your life?


Because I take the example of the Buddha in the fact that he was dedicated to develop the Paramis with Yasodhara over 500 life times and that is more than one life, isn't it? It seems there was a strong attachment and at that time it was very beneficial for the Buddha and Yasodhara. It is whether we see it as a beneficial attachment or an unbeneficial attachment, I believe. There is more to Steve and my partnership than just worldly feelings. There is the sharing of the Dhamma, there is the sharing of the direction, there is the developing of the Paramis. So if one is so fortunate to find someone who shares the same direction and the same ideals and the same faith, it can be a wonderful partnership in that they can help each other grow. Certainly our attachment has benefited many people in the world, so if it is a beneficial attachment we don't have to believe it is an obstacle to our development. In many ways some Westerners find that if they have a spiritual friend as a partner, it can aid their practice, because when they go back to the West, at least one other person knows their practice and how they think and they can help each other on the path.

As far as a commitment, yes, I made that commitment and I don't take it lightly. The commitment to grow, that means through difficult times we don't just throw down the towel and think I will go and get some pleasure elsewhere. We grow together and see difficult times as an opportunity to have compassion and lovingkindness. However, the Four Qualities are important, the four qualities that make for a beneficial relationship - faith or confidence, morality, wisdom and generosity. If these don't match you are going to have more difficulties in the relationship. Especially the first one, if you are going in different directions, it may not work at all. And it may be beneficial not to spend your life with that particular person, but we don't take that decision lightly. If we can work things out, then it is good to work them out and try to grow through this commitment. However, if there is, in particular, abuse in the relationship, it is probably better to end the relationship through compassion for oneself and compassion for the abuser.

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