
What are the results of bad speech?


Dukkha. That was shorter than the other questions, wasn't it? I mean, let's face it, bad speech, where does it take you? If you really examine your speech over and over and over, you can see it took you in dumb ways, dumb things you said. In English, there is a disease for cattle, it is called foot and mouth disease. In Australia when they talk about people with bad speech, they say "foot in mouth disease". Because you get nothing but trouble, right? If you blurt out something wrong, I mean, it is crazy at times. Did you ever see a politician get caught because of bad speech? Newspapers love it for a week, it sells forever. Dukkha. What happens for every one of us probably at least as kids - we lied about something. Did you ever get caught? Now, if you got caught, I am sure you got your Dukkha that way. But what if you didn't get caught? Were you scared to get caught? Bad speech, lying - you live in fear afterwards if you did something with your speech that was harmful. So speech, bad speech, unbeneficial speech, unwise speech, it always takes us towards Dukkha.

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