
How do you deal with feelings of inferiority and unworthiness?


Reflection on your good Kamma is helpful. Reflection on the Ten Paramis is helpful. As well as asking ourselves some classic questions, "Since I started my meditation/mental development practice, have I grown in this? How do I feel about that? And what can I do in my life to help it to grow?"

Also, Sympathetic Joy meditation is helpful, so that we start to see, and take joy with what we have achieved instead of believing that we are not going to be worthy until we are fully enlightened. Often people want to become enlightened, because they are running away from this sense of unworthiness. They want to become enlightened so that they can feel better about themselves, but, fortunately, we don't really have to wait until that time to let go of the feelings of inferiority and unworthiness. We can reflect on the good qualities that we have and that have a purpose in our practice, feeling joy with them, etc. Also, by reflecting on the good qualities of other people, we will be less likely to bring up comparative judgments with others, and feel envious or unworthy in relationship to them.

Sometimes when our assistants display a tendency to want to compete with each other, we give them an analogy about the different types of fruit in a fruit salad. In order to make a fruit salad, we need lots of different types of fruit, because if we only have bananas, then it's not a fruit salad. Now, is a banana better than an apple? Some people may say, "Yes", but other people think "No". Is a pear better than a peach? They're really just different. In actuality, each of us has different qualities that enhance the fruit salad, and give it a different taste.

Steve and I often will prevent competition between each other by reflecting that we're not equal, we're not superior or inferior, we're different. By acknowledging our differences and valuing our differences, we can put our minds together and come up with something greater than if we competed with each other. So by valuing our differences, not trying to make a judgment that we are superior or inferior to others, has helped us. In the end, often when we think we're superior, we're comparing our strong qualities with the weak qualities of somebody else. However, they may be strong in the qualities that we are weak in. As well, they may be doing the exact same thing to us. Rather than competing with each other, can we cooperate with each other and put our minds together to make something greater?

Our apologies if there are any errors in the above text. If anything seems to be wrong or confusing in any way, please feel free to contact the teachers for further clarification.