
What does Buddhism think of drinking and drugs? If nothing bad comes from getting drunk, is it considered ok, wise, or unwise? The fifth precept says to undertake the rule of training to abstain from intoxicants which confuse the mind.


If we value our awareness, if we truly value our awareness, we won't want to confuse it with intoxicants, because we've realized, even in this retreat, how difficult it is to deal with the hindrances even when we are trying to be super aware, let alone if we have anything clouding it. When we are really trying to practice, we wish to have beneficial conditions and we try to show compassion for ourselves and protect ourselves from making negative Kamma. If we cloud our awareness with anything, how can we protect ourselves, how can we make good Kamma when we are clouded and we have lessened our control of our mind?

Many, many, many years ago, I had some experience with alcohol. I was terrible with it, which is good. It didn't take me long to see that my awareness was gone. I would become tipsy very quickly. So it's very difficult for me to say, "Have a drink, that's fine." I also see, when I'm with my family, how the conversation often slowly shifts the more they drink, from pleasant conversation to indulging in their aversions. Although they don't get violent, they actually often get more happy, but sometimes that humour becomes sarcastic and hurtful. We like to go do the dishes. They love us for it, and it's a good escape.

I understand, that I don't want to cloud my awareness. I realize, "I'm capable of being happy without something else". And if more people were able to show others that they are capable of being happy without clouding it with anything else, then they may be more inspired to want to uncover their potential to be able to do this also. Although don't expect those who drink to be happy that you don't drink with them, because often they will start to believe that you are judging them, even if you're not doing so.

Our apologies if there are any errors in the above text. If anything seems to be wrong or confusing in any way, please feel free to contact the teachers for further clarification.