
What are the differences between the four types of Buddhism, why did you and Rosemary choose this type?


First, I will mention what the four types of Buddhism like I referred to a minute ago are. In a sense Theravada Buddhism is all very similar, that's one type. Mahayana Buddhism is more or less divided into three main groups: the Tibetan, the Chinese, and the Japanese/ Korean Zen practice. So those are the main four types of Buddhism.

The reason why we like Theravadin Buddhism so much is that it is very, very much down to earth. There is no belief system, we are challenged to prove every bit of the practice, as in the Kalama Sutta. Sure, Theravadin Buddhism has the theories; they have the theory of rebirth, they have the theory of Buddhas, lifetimes, Bodhisattvas and so on. The theory is there, but you don't have to believe the theories. The actual practice in Theravadin Buddhism is very much down to earth -- you have methods to let go of your anger, you have methods to let go of your fear, methods to develop your compassion, to develop your patience and so on. The actual methods are very down to earth and that is what Rosemary and I like the most.

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