
Do you know of any techniques besides noting "worry, worry" or reflection on death and impermanence to deal with anxiety before an event, with high pressure, and many people watching, judging you, say a competition?


By in large, all the techniques that we're teaching here can help you to be more calm, more patient, more content, and to develop all the good qualities. Developing these and other good qualities can help you to lessen your anxiety. Certainly reflections on death and impermanence, and so many others can help. Also noting the anxiety as it manifests in the body, not just noting "worry, worry" as the thoughts, but actually checking the body, the agitation coming, the heartbeat speeding up, whatever, being aware of that. Developing more Compassion/Lovingkindness for other people in the world will help, the D/D method works, so many different techniques work.

You know, right now, at this very moment there is, somewhere in the world, a little kid who has to get up in front of the class and give a little speech. What was it like for you? Some people are natural, but I also know one person who stayed home on the day they had to give a speech because they were so scared. And for me, in the beginning, it wasn't easy either. That's all natural, but all of these techniques will help you to be more content, help you to be more accepting, help you have less anxiety, less fear, and so on. And as you continue to develop, events like this won't be such a big problem.

The intention behind whatever it is that you are doing is often a big key. If you get up in front of somebody to give a bit of a talk, say about Buddhism, about things that you know about Buddhism, and you want to help people understand a bit, that's one type of intention; that you want to help some people. If you get up in front of people to give a talk about Buddhism in order to impress them about how good you are, what a good meditator you have become, or how much you know, that's a very different intention. These two people may give exactly the same little talk, but if one person's intention is based in compassion, wishing to help, they're going to be more relaxed than the person who wants fame, wants praise, and wants everybody to like them. So intention is often the key.

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