
If a loved one, for example a family member, rejects our advice or help, then a negative result happens just as we said it would, but then they still don't agree with our suggested behavior, should we avoid them?


Having equanimity towards people who don't always take our advice is valuable. I don't know if we necessarily have to avoid them, it would greatly depend on our level of involvement with that person and how much they reject us. Rosemary and I give advice all the time, and do all of you guys take every single bit of advice that we give you? Have any of you ever come into the interview with the same problem you had before, and we tell you again the same advice? Yeah, for some of you, I know for sure that that's happened. So we give you some advice, you reject it, you don't want to do it, you have more Dukkha come from it, you come in for an interview again, you want some advice and the same thing happens.

Do we avoid you? Do we say, "Get out of here, I'm going to avoid you, you won't take my advice." No, we don't do that. We have equanimity towards you whether you want to take our advice or not. We also have compassion towards you for not taking it; or we're give you another go, up to a limit though, because if people reject our advice over and over and over and they have Dukkha over and over and over and they still want the advice again and again and again, sometimes we just kick you in the bum.

But we haven't done that very often, because with most people, they start to see, "Yeah, the advice works." But depending on who the person is and how they reject the advice, try not to get upset, try not to get angry because other people don't take your advice. I give that advice in day seven evening talk, when I talk about the balance of Compassion and Equanimity; it's throughout our life, all the time. Sometimes our advice is accepted, sometimes it's not accepted - that's all, that's just part of life. The Buddha gave advice to a lot of people who didn't take it. So if it happened to the Buddha, what do you expect, is it going to happen to you, too, sometimes? Yeah.

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