
Is it possible to indulge in one sense desire without letting it get out of control? As long as that sense desire is not unbeneficial, for example dancing, creating art, playing music, a game, admiring beautiful things... must we always think of Dukkha when we are enjoying life?


Okay, this person uses the word "indulge". "Indulge" to me in English, is kind of strong. If the person were to say, "Is it possible to enjoy a sense desire without letting it out of control", that could be different. But there is another little variation here, as well. Let's talk about sense desire, for example, the pleasantness of a milk shake. I grew up having a lot of ice cream, I grew up near one of the very first McDonald's restaurants in the whole world. A McDonald's vanilla milkshake, let me have one, I drink it, it's pleasant. Okay, one could say, "Do you have a sense desire towards it?" Well, my sense enjoys it. If I have a choice, if I'm eating lunch and somebody says, "Would you like a vanilla milkshake or a chocolate or whatever?", I'd say vanilla. So my desire would be towards it in this sense, it's a sense desire. When I have it, I will like the taste, and in that sense enjoy it much more than if I had to have a chocolate one.

Now, am I attached to it? That's a big difference. I don't really think about a vanilla milkshake from McDonald's other than when giving it as an answer to a Dhamma talk question. I mention it more times to mediators in Dhamma discussions than I ever think about it. I can walk by a McDonald's, and not even think about it. If we happen to be in a McDonald's restaurant for lunch, maybe once every two years lately, maybe I'll have one. But I don't actually crave it, I don't actually want it all the time, I don't miss it. So the attachment to this sense desire, in the sense of the attachment to that sense pleasure itself, is not really there. To indulge in the sense desire, no, I don't indulge in it; but I might enjoy it, if it happens to be the treat that I have that day.

Now, lots of things we do in our normal life are not negative things for average people to do. The minute you are indulging, you might want to think a little bit more, maybe ask yourself, "Am I getting carried away with an escape?" Because a lot of sense desires are escapes. It's up to you to say, "How much is too much?" And the biggest factor in deciding how much is too much is - is it causing Dukkha for yourself? Is it causing Dukkha for others? Now if you're actually creating Dukkha, if you actually indulge in a sense desire and later hate yourself for it - that's no good - what good is that? Does it actually help you to live life peacefully, is it possible?

Now, this person said "indulge" without letting it out of control, but again I take issue with the word "indulge" because to me that is kind of out of control already, in the English definition. So how much out of control do you get, and do you want to be out of control? Would you like to be more in control of your own life? Would you like to be more in control of your desires and everything? The other day when I mentioned about how I worked with my attachment to American candies. It was neat for me to be in control of whether I bought something or not, rather than automatically reaching for one as I did when I was a kid. There were some American candies that were so much my favorites that my pocket would always have one in it, as a kid. So was I in control? No. Was I caught up in my sense desire? Yes. But as an adult now, I'm in more control, so a lot of it has to do with how much you want to be in control yourself, how much you want to be in control of your own life.

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