
How does one let go of attachment to wanting obscurity when it arises?


Briefly, develop more compassion then you won't have so much fear.

Sometimes wanting obscurity is a wish to avoid responsibility and it is coming from our fear of the eight worldly dhammas. So by developing more compassion for ourselves, we can let go of fear. When we have compassion for ourselves, it's amazing how much fear passes, because we are not so concerned about me. We get out of this small mind "I", and what I'm afraid of, or what I want to hide away from, into a bigger mind that is just having compassion for ourselves and others and this allows fear to pass away.

It does not mean that we don't at times wish to be alone, because each of us do have that need to renew ourselves, refresh ourselves without responsibilities to others. But if we have a fear of other people noticing us, etc., then we will be too concerned with whether they are liking us or whether they are not liking us. All this fear prevents us from just being okay with who we are. If we have a good intention, okay, that ties in with the other question I recently answered, and we understand our humanness. That ties in with the humility question, realizing that we don't have to be perfect for people to like us, hopefully. And if they don't like us because we are not perfect then they have a problem within themselves, and we can try to have compassion for them.

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