
Why do the beneficial actions from enlightened people not get reborn following cause and effect?


There was a time when somebody came to the Buddha and asked him a few questions very similar to this about enlightened people, "What happens after they die?" They asked a whole mess of other questions, too, like: "What was the beginning of time? What's the end of time? Where did we come from?" The Buddha gave an analogy for this, he said it is like somebody is walking along a path and they get shot in the back with a poison arrow. They fall down to the ground, and they're bleeding to death. A doctor happens to be walking by. The doctor sees the person bleeding to death, comes up and goes, "Oh, let me help you. Let me pull the arrow out. I've done this before." But the person bleeding to death says, "No, wait a minute, wait, don't pull it out so quick. I want to know who shot the arrow. Was it a man or woman? Were they tall or were they short. Do they have children? Were they from this country? Were they from another country?" Before the person gets the answers to these questions - they will die.

There's a lot of questions we can't answer and even the Buddha would not answer. He wouldn't talk about what happens to an enlightened person after they die. He just said that that's not a question that's going to help you to end your aversion or grief, your ignorance. It's not going to help you to end your fear; your jealousy, etc. All the little stuff. It's not going to help you to develop compassion, patience, forgiveness etc. So the question itself, asking the question itself, actually becomes the Dukkha because it's really a distraction. It's part of restlessness in the mind. We don't need the answer to those questions, it won't help us. And, the answer can't be given anyhow. Asking a question where you can never get an answer doesn't help. It becomes in effect a waste of energy and time.

Our apologies if there are any errors in the above text. If anything seems to be wrong or confusing in any way, please feel free to contact the teachers for further clarification.