
How do you manage to tell people exactly the same for 20 or more years, it would drive me crazy.


One of the things that helps me and Rosemary, is the understanding of the practice. That we are all changing, all the time, we are growing, and developing. So when we teach a retreat, of course there are brand new people who get the information we give, but we know that they don't get it all, so we want to give it again for the second retreat, come back for a second retreat you will get it again, you come back for a third, you get it again. We are not changing so much, but you are changing, and I am sure each one of you who is doing this practice right, you will see something new every time you hear it, even in the regular talks.

With this special retreat, of course you get more new stuff, although we don't have the same questions every retreat. But in the regular retreat, the fact that you are changing makes it a kind of joy for us to give it to you again, take you deeper, because even in the first retreat, there is so much which we know that new people are not going to get.

We actually know there are parts they won't get. There is one part in particular in my talks that only one person in 20 years has ever ask me to clarify, which is interesting. Also the thing about the Unpleasant Physical Sensation technique from Day 4; one student in their tenth retreat wrote me a note on Day 5, "Steve, I have now done ten retreats and honestly I have never done the Unpleasant Physical Sensations, I think maybe this retreat I will try." So we are able to give it to you again and again, because we know that you are a brand new person each time and we are happy to give it to that brand new person. Another aspect of Sympathetic Joy.

Our apologies if there are any errors in the above text. If anything seems to be wrong or confusing in any way, please feel free to contact the teachers for further clarification.