
How can we let go of the condemning mind, this comparing with others, judging them in order to feel superior?


A little saying; "I am not better than you, you are not better than me, we are not equal, we are different", helps a lot, getting rid of this superior, condemning sort of attitude. Take a look in the woods, you have some big trees and you have some little trees, you have trees that make flowers, and trees that don't do much of a flower at all. You have hardwood trees, you have softwood trees.

Imagine a fruit tree, let's take a nice apple tree. Imagine that apple tree goes, "Oh, I am an apple tree, I give a lot of fruit, I am much better than that pine tree with all it's needles and sticky stuff". And what if the pine tree looked down at the apple tree and said, "I am so much taller than that apple tree, and I give good wood to build houses. And that little apple tree loses it's leaves, I don't lose any of my leaves".

Sounds pretty ridiculous, doesn't it? That's how ridiculous it can be when you are feeling superior and put other people down, just to feel better. Now in another sense, when you are at work, if you are in a superior position, fine, you simply are, that's not a problem, you know you are the boss, others are not and so on, that's okay. But when we get into condemning people because their sweater is silly, they don't comb their hair as nice as my hair and all these other silly things that we do, then that is a good time to say, "Hey wait a minute, there is no way I am going to be equal to them, better or not better, we are just different". And if you can let people be different, than you can let go of this condemning attitude, it's okay to be different.

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