
Is it wise in any situation to first help yourself and then help others? Like in a plane, where they recommend to first put on your own oxygen mask and then help a child with theirs? Are there situations where it should be different?


I am sure there is many situations where it would be reversed. One image that comes to mind is often a mother trying to save their child first. However in the plane, of course, yes put on your oxygen mask first and then help the child. But in a situation where there is a housefire or such, a mother may actually try to get the child out first and then go back and get as many children out as possible without thinking about saving herself. So I am sure there is many different situations where this could be so.

But certainly in the spiritual practice we have to first help ourselves. If we don't understand Dukkha and the cause of it in ourselves it's very difficult to help others. We may just do the wrong things and cause more problems.

Our apologies if there are any errors in the above text. If anything seems to be wrong or confusing in any way, please feel free to contact the teachers for further clarification.