
Can you please give an example of how to do the short form of the Five Reflections.


Okay - one sentence: fine. "I am so fortunate." I can believe that because I understand how fortunate I am. Somebody on the street in the west, you ask them how fortunate they are. They might say, "oh yeah" or "oh no". Even though they have a lot. So they don't always believe it deeply. But I can say one sentence and truly believe it, "I am so fortunate."

"Death is coming" - to me, that's enough. That's one short sentence that again is stronger to me than the person on the street. Because I truly believe it. I understand it. I reflect on it often.

"I am the owner of my own actions." Another powerful one sentence.

"Dukkha is coming." One sentence.

"To care and not to care." To me those words are the whole meaning of Compassionate-Equanimity balance.

So that's an example of one sentence of each. That's the short form.

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